Everyone involved with publishing web content, whether a writer, designer, or developer, should understand how metadata can describe content. Unfortunately, web metadata has a reputation, not entirely undeserved, for being a beast to understand. My book, Metadata Basics for Web Content, explains the core concepts of metadata. This post is for those ready to take the next step: to understand how a metadata standard relates to their specific content.
Visualizing Metadata
How can web teams make sense of voluminous and complex metadata documentation? Documentation about web metadata is generally written from a developer perspective, and can be hard for non-techies to comprehend. When relying on detailed documentation, it can be difficult for the entire web team to have a shared understanding of what metadata is available. Without such a shared understanding, teams can’t have a meaningful discussion of what metadata to use in their content, and how to take advantage of it to support their content goals.
The good news is that metadata can be visualized. I want to show how anyone can do this, with specific reference to schema.org, the most important web metadata standard today. The technique can be useful not only for content and design team members who lack a technical background, but also for developers.
Everyone who works with a complex metadata standard such as schema.org faces common challenges:
- A large and growing volume of entities and properties to be aware of
- Cases where entities and properties sometimes have overlapping roles that may not be immediately apparent
- Terminology that can be misunderstood unless the context is comprehended correctly
- The prevalence of many horizontal linkages between entities and properties, making navigation through documentation a pogo-like experience.
First, team members need to understand what kinds of things associated with their content can be described by a metadata standard. Things mentioned in content are called entities. Entities have properties. Properties describe values, or they express the relationship of one entity to another.
Entities are classified according to types, which range from general to specific. Entity types form a hierarchy that can be expressed as a tree. All entities derive from the parent entity, called Thing. Currently, schema.org has over 600 entity types. Dan Brickley, an engineer at Google who is instrumental in the development of schema.org, has helpfully developed an interactive visualization in D3 (a Javascript library for data visualization), presented as a radial tree, which shows the distribution of entity types within schema.org. The tool is a helpful way to explore the scope of entities addressed, and the different levels of granularity available.

D3 is a great visualization library, but it requires both knowledge and time to code. For our second kind of visualization, we’ll rely on a much simpler tool.
Graphs of Linked Data
Web metadata can connect or link different items of information together, forming a graph of knowledge. Graphs are ideal to visualize. By visualizing this structure, content teams can see how entities have properties that relate to other entities, or that have different kinds of values. This kind of visualization is known as a concept map.
Let’s visualize a common topic for web content: product information. Many things can be said about a product: who is it from, what is like, and how much it costs. I’ve created the below graph using an affordable and easy-to-use concept mapping app called Conceptorium (though other graphic tools can be used). Working from the schema.org documentation for products, I’ve identified some common properties and relationships for products. Entities (things described with metadata) are in green boxes, while literal values (data you might see about them) are in salmon colored boxes. Properties (attributes or qualities of things) are represented by lines with arrows, with the name of the property next to the line.

The graph illustrates some key issues in schema.org that web teams need to understand:
- The boundary between different entity types that address similar properties
- The difference between different instances of the same entity type
- The directional relationships of properties.
Entity Boundaries
Concept maps help us see the boundaries between related entity types. A product, shown in the center of our graph, has various properties, such as a name, a color, and an average user rating (AggregateRating). But when the product is offered for sale, properties associated with the conditions of sale need to be expressed through the Offer entity. So in schema.org, we can see that products don’t have prices or warranties; offers have prices or warranties. Schema.org allows publishers to express an offer without providing granular details about a product. Publishers can note the name and product code (referred to as gtin14) in the offer together with the price, and not need to use the Product entity type at all. The Offer and Product entity types both use the name and product code (gtin14) properties. So when discussing a product, the team needs to decide if the content is mostly about the terms of sale (the Offer), or about the features of the product (the Product), or both.
Instances and Entity Types
Concept maps help us distinguish different instances of entities, as well as cases where instances are performing different roles. From the graph, we can see that a product can be related to other products. This can be hard to grasp in the documentation, where an entity type is presented as both the subject and the object of various properties. Graphs can show how there can be different product instances that may have different values for the same properties (e.g., all products have a name, but each product has a different name). In our example, we can see that on product at the bottom right is a competitive product to the product in the center. We can compare the average rating of the competitor product with the average ratings of the main product. We can also see another related product, which is an accessory for the main product. This relationship can help identify products to display as complements.
An entity type provides a list of properties available to describe something. Web content may discuss numerous, related things that all belong to the same entity type. In our example, we see several instances of the Organization entity type. In one case, an organization owns a product (perhaps a tractor). In another case, the Organization is a seller. In a third case, the Organization is a manufacturer of the product. Organizations can have different roles relating to an entity.
Content teams need to identify in their metadata which Organizations are responsible for which role. Is the seller the manufacturer of the product, or are two different Organizations involved? Our example illustrates how a single Person can be both an owner and a seller of a Product.
What Properties Mean
Concept maps can help web teams see what properties really represent. Each line with an arrow has a label, which is the name of the property associated with an entity type. Properties have a direction, indicated by the arrow. The names of properties don’t always directly translate into an English verb, even when they at first appear to. For example, in English, Product > manufacturer > Organization doesn’t make much sense. The product doesn’t make the organization, but rather the organization manufactures the product. It’s important to pay attention to the direction of a property: what entity type is expected — especially when these relationships seem inverted to how we think about them normally.
Many properties are adjectives or even nouns, and need helper verbs such as “has” to make sense. If the property describes another entity, then that entity can involve many more properties to describe additional dimensions of that entity. So we might say that “a Product has a manufacturer which is an Organization (having a name, address, etc.)” That’s not very elegant in English, but the diagram keeps the focus on the nature of the relationships described.
Broader Benefits of Concept Mapping for Content Strategy
So far, we’ve discussed how concept maps can help web teams understand what the metadata means, and how they need to organize their metadata descriptions. Concept maps can also help web teams plan their content. Teams can use maps to decide what content to present to audiences, and even what content to create that audiences may be interested in.
Content Planning
Jarno van Driel, a Dutch SEO expert, notes that many publishers treat schema.org as “an afterthought.” Instead, Jarno argues, publishers should consult the properties available in schema.org to plan their content. Schema.org is a collective project, where different contributors identify properties relating to entities they would like to mention that they feel would be of interest to audiences. Schema.org can be thought of as a blueprint for information you can provide audiences about different things you publish. While our example concept map for product properties is simplified to conserve space, a more complete map would show many more properties, some of which you might decide to address in your content. For example, audiences might want to know about the material, the width, or the weight of the product — properties available in schema.org that publishers may not have considered including in their content.
Content Design and Interaction Design
Concept maps can also reveal relationships between different levels of information that publishers can present. Consider how this information is displayed on the screen. Audiences may want to compare different values. They may want to know all the values for a specific property (such as all the colors available), or they want to compare the values for a property of two different instances (average rating of two different products).
Concept maps can reveal qualifications about the content (e.g., an Offer may be qualified by an area served). Values (shown in salmon) can be sorted and ranked. Concept maps also help web teams decide on the right level of detail to present. Do they want to show average ratings for a specific product, or a brand overall? By consulting the map, they can consider what data is available, and what data would be most useful to audiences.

Creating a concept map requires effort, but is rewarding. It requires you to compare the specification of the standard with your representation of it, to check that relationships are known and understood correctly. It allows you to see some characteristics, such as properties used by more than one entity. It can help content teams see the bigger picture of what’s available in schema.org to describe their content, so that the team can collectively agree to metadata requirements relating to their web content. If you want to understand schema.org more completely, to know how it relates to the content you publish, creating a concept map is a good place to start.
— Michael Andrews