Content Experience

3 Tools to Set Tangible Goals for Content

How can writers know when content is good enough to satisfy users?  Content quality should not be the subjective judgment of an individual writer, whose opinion may differ from other writers. Content teams should be able to articulate what the content needs to say to satisfy user expectations. I want to explore three tools that content designers and writers can use help them determine how well their content will meet user needs.  Unlike the straight usability testing of content, these tools provide guidance before content is created and diagnostic evaluation after the content has been made.

Good quality content helps people accomplish their tasks and realize their larger goals. To create high quality content, writers need to understand 

  1. The tasks and goals of people
  2. What knowledge and information people need to use the content
  3. Any issues that could arise that hinder people having a satisfactory outcome

Writers can understand what content needs to address by using tools that focus on the user tasks.  Three useful tools are:

  1. Users stories and Jobs-to-be-Done
  2. Behavior driven design
  3. Task analysis 

Each tool offers specific benefits.

Defining goals: User Stories and Jobs-to-be-Done

User stories and Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) are two common approaches to planning customer experiences.  User stories are the default way to plan agile IT.  JTBD has gained a big following in the corporate world, especially among product managers.  Content professionals may participate in projects that use these tools.

I’m not going to recap the extensive literature on user stories and JTBD, much of which isn’t focused specifically on content.  Fortunately, Sarah Richards has explored both these approaches in her book Content Design, and she’s done a great job of showing the relevance of each to the work of content professionals.  For my part I want to explore the uses and limitations of user stories and JTBD as it relates to understanding content quality.

Sarah Richards notes: “a user story is a way of pinning down what the team needs to do without telling them how to do it.”

The basic pattern of a user story is: 

  • As a X [kind of person or role], I want to Y [task] so that I can Z [activity or end goal]

The “so that” clause is both the test of success and the motivation for activity.  User stories separate intermediate goals (Y) from end goals (Z).  If the user is able to get to their next step, the goal beyond the immediate one, we assume that the content is successful.   Richards suggests breaking out the “I want to” into separate discrete tasks if the person has several things they want to do in support of a larger goal.  So, if the user wants to do two things, they should be broken into two separate stories.

JTBD or job stories are similar to user stories, except they focus on the job rather than the user.  Richards states: “Job stories are a better choice if you have only one audience to deal with.”   That’s a good point.  And sometimes everyone has the same needs.  People may belong to different segments, but everyone faces a common situation and needs a common resolution.   Everyone on a cancelled flight wants to get booked on another flight that leaves soon, whether or not they are business class or “basic economy” passengers.  

In summary, the difference between user story and job story is the introductory clause:

  • User story: As a X [persona or audience segment]
  • Job story When [a situation]

What this introductory clause tries to do is introduce some context: what people know, what issue they face, or how they are likely to think about an issue.  But the introductory clause is not precise enough to give us much detail about the context.

User and job stories are a helpful way to break down different tasks and goals that needs to bed addressed.  But it is easy to see how these frameworks are so broad that they might fail to provide specific guidance.  For example, a job story could be:

  • “When the power goes off, I want to know who to contact so that I know when the power will be back on.”  

There are several leaps that occur in this story.  We don’t know if the power outage is isolated to the customer or is widespread.  We assume that having a point of contact is what customers need, and that POC will tell the user when the power will be back on.  Even if that job is how a customer expressed their story, it doesn’t mean the building content around the story will provide the customer with a satisfactory outcome.  

User stories and JTBD are loose, even squishy.  Their vagueness provides latitude on how to address a need, but it can also introduce a degree of ambiguity in what needs to happen.  

User and job stories often include “acceptance criteria” so that teams know when they are done.  In the words of Sarah Richards: “Meeting acceptance criteria gives your team a chance to tick things off the to-do list.”  Richards warns against the dangers of acceptance criteria “that puts the solution up front.”  In other words, the acceptance criteria should avoid getting into details of how something is done, though it should indicate exactly what the user is expecting to be able to do.  

As far as I can tell, no universal format exists for writing acceptance criteria.  They may be a list of questions that the story’s writer considers important.  

But even well-written acceptance criteria will tend to be functional, rather than qualitative.  Acceptance criteria are more about whether something is done than whether it is done well.  We don’t know if it was difficult or easy for the customer to do, or whether it took a lot of time or not.  And we never know for sure if satisfying what the customer wants will enable them to do what they ultimately are looking to accomplish.   

User stories and job stories provide a starting point for thinking about content details, but by themselves these approaches don’t reveal everything a writer will want to know to help the user realize their goals.

Specifying Context: Behavior Driven Design

Behavior driven design (BDD) is used in situations where content shapes how people complete a task.  BDD provides functional specifications that indicates a concrete scenario of the before and after state.  This approach can be helpful to someone working as a product content strategist or UX writer who needs to design flows and write content supporting customer transactions.  

The New York Times is one organization that uses BBD.  Let’s look at this example they’ve published to see how it works.  It is written in the Gherkin language, a computer programming language that is easy for non programmers to read.

Description: As a customer care advocate, I want to update a customer’s credit card on file, so that the customer’s new credit card will be charged during the next billing cycle.

 Scenario:     Change credit card with a valid credit card
     Given:     I have a customer with an existing credit card.
      When:     I enter a new valid credit card number.
      Then:     The service request is processed successfully.
       And:     I can see that the customer’s new card is on file.

 Scenario:     Change credit card with an invalid credit card number
      Given:    I have a customer with an existing credit card.
      When:     I enter a new credit card number that is not valid.
      Then:     An error shows that the credit card number is not valid

As the example shows, multiple scenarios may be associated with a larger situation.  The example presents a primary user (the customer care advocate) who is interacting with another party, a customer.  This level of contingent interaction can flush out many situations that could be missed.   Publishers should never assume that all the information that customers need is readily available, or that customers will necessarily be viewing information that is relevant to their specific situation.  Publishers benefit by listing different scenarios so they understand information requirements in terms of completeness, channel or device availability, and contextual variability.  So much content now depends on where you live, who you are, your transition history, customer status, etc.  BBD can help to structure the content that needs to be presented.

Content must support customer decision making. BDD provides a framework for thinking about what information customers have and lack relating to a decision.  Let’s consider how BDD could help us think about content relating to a  a hotel room.

ScenarioSome determinable user situation
Given some precondition (user knows where they want to holiday)
And some other precondition (user knows their budget)
When some action by the user(user visits travel options page)
And some other action (user compares hotel prices)
Then some testable outcome is achieved (user compares hotel prices)
And outcome we can check happens too(user books hotel)

This format allows the writer to think about variables addressed by content (decisions associated with hotel prices) and not be overwhelmed by larger or adjacent issues.  It can help the writer focus on potential hesitation by users when comparing and evaluating hotel prices.  If many users don’t compare the prices, something is obviously wrong. If many don’t book a hotel after checking prices, that also suggests issues.  BDD is designed to be testable.  But we don’t have deploy the design to test it.  Some basic guerrilla usability could flag issues with the content design.  These issues might be too much information (scary), missing information (also scary), or information revealed at the wrong moment (which can feel sneaky.)

I believe that BDD is better than JTBD when specifying the user’s situation and how that influences what they need to know.  We can use BDD to indicate: 

  • What knowledge the user knows already,
  • What decisions the user has already made

We can also indicate that more than one action could be necessary for the user to take.  And there may be more than one outcome.

The power of BDD is that it can help writers pin down more specific aspects of the design.

BDD obviously includes some assumptions about what the user will want to do and even how they will do it.  It may not be the approach to start with if you are designing a novel application or addressing a non-routine scenario.  But in situations were common behaviors and conventions are well known and understood, BDD can help plan content and diagnose that it is performing satisfactorily.

Specifying Performance Standards: Task analysis

Task analysis has been around longer than computers.  When I studied human computer interaction nearly two decades ago, I had to learn about task analysis.  Because it isn’t specific to computers, it can help us think how people use any kind of content.

A basic task analysis pattern would be:

  • Activity Verb
  • Performance standards (quantity/quality)
  • Mode

Here’s an example of a task from a review of task analysis.  The writer would need to add content to explain how to perform the task:

 To instruct the reader on how:

  • To make the nail flush …without damaging the surface of a piece of wood……using a hammer.

Design thinking purists might object that this example presupposes the use of a hammer to pound a nail.  Why not consider a shoe instead?  But the task assumes that certain tools will be used.  That’s a reasonable assumption in many scenarios.  If you are writing instructions on how to assemble a table or mend a shirt, you will assume the reader will need access to certain tools to perform the task.

Yet it is possible to change the mode.  There’s more than one way to wash windows without leaving a streak.  A person could use vinegar and a rag, or use an old newspaper.  If both methods were equally effective, the writer could compare how clearly and succinctly the instructions for each could be.  Remember: consuming the content is part of total work involved with completing a task.

What’s nice about the nail example is that it includes problems that the user might not be thinking about.  The user may just want to make the nail flush.  They may not be focused on how they might fail.  Content supporting the task can be tested with real people to determine if they misuse the tool — getting some unintended consequence.  In our complex world, there is plenty of scope for that to happen.  

Checking Quality

Writers are concerned that customers are successful.  There are many reasons why customers may not be.  Content needs to address a range of situations, and at the same time not be too burdensome to read, view or listen to.  Consuming content is part of the work associated with many tasks.  Content needs to facilitate completion of the task, and not detract from it.  

Much of the poor quality in design ultimately stems from bad assumptions.  Designs reflect bad assumptions about user goals, their knowledge, the information they have available, the decision they are prepared to make, and so on.  The three tools covered in this post can help writers to understand these issues more clearly, so that content created is better quality.

— Michael Andrews

Content Experience

Structuring Content through Timeboxing

Much of our lives is structured around time.   When we think about time, we often think about events or schedules.  When does something happen?   Time provides structure for experience.  

In our lives online, content shapes our experience.  How then can time bring structure to content we consume online?

Content strategists generally think about structuring content in terms of sequences, or logical arrangement.   I’d like to introduce another way to think about structuring content: in terms of time.  But instead of focusing on timing — when something happens —  we can focus on how much time something requires.  The focus on the  dimension of duration has developed into a discipline known as timeboxing.

Timeboxing and Content

Timeboxing is a concept used in agile planning and delivery.   Despite its geeky name, all of us use timeboxes everyday, even if we don’t use the term.  We schedule 15 minute conversations, or half-hour meetings, and then decide what’s the most important material to cover in that block of time, and what material needs to wait to be dealt with elsewhere. Despite our best wishes, circumstances commonly dictate our available time to discuss or consider an issue, rather than the reverse.  

With roots in project management, timeboxing is most often applied to the production of content, rather than its consumption.  But timeboxing can be used for any kind of task or issue.

“Timeboxing allocates a fixed time period, called a timebox, within which planned activity takes place” 


The consumption of content can also be timeboxed.  Content that is consumed on a schedule is often timeboxed.  Some examples of timeboxing content experience include:

  • The BBC offers a “Prayer for the day” lasting two minutes
  • Many broadcasters offer timed 15 or 30 second updates on markets, weather and traffic
  • The PechaKucha format for presentations of 20 slides for 20 seconds each, for a total of 6 minutes, 40 seconds, to maximize the number of speakers and keep presentations interesting
  • Time-limited conversations in “speed networking” in order to maximize the number of conversations had

Producers (those who offer content) decide how much content to make available in order to synchronize when it can be consumed.  There’s a close association between fixing the duration of content, and scheduling it at a fixed time.  The timing of content availability to users can help to timebox it.  

Limits without schedules

But timeboxing doesn’t require having a schedule.  In an agile methods context, timeboxing inverts the customary process of planning around a schedule.  Instead of deciding when to do something, and then figuring out how long can be allotted to a task, the timeboxing approach first considers how long a task requires, and then schedules it based on when it can be addressed.  How long something takes to express is many cases more important than when something happens.

This is a radical idea.  For many people, timeboxing — limiting the time allowed for content — is not our natural tendency.   Many of us don’t like restricting what we can say, or how long we can talk about something.  

Timeboxing tends to happen when there’s a master schedule that must be followed.  But when access to content doesn’t depend on a schedule, timeboxing is ignored. Even audio content loses the discipline of having a fixed duration when it is delivered asynchronously.  A weekly podcast will often vary considerably in length, because it is not anchored to a schedule forcing it to fit in a slot that is followed by another slot.

Authors, concerned about guarding their independence, often resist imposing limits on how much they can say.  Their yardstick seems to be: the duration of the content should match whatever they as authors think is necessary to convey a message.  The author decides the appropriate duration —  not an editor, a schedule, or the audience.  

Without question, the web liberates content producers from the fixed timetable of broadcast media.  The delivery of digital content doesn’t have to follow a fixed schedule, so the duration of content doesn’t have to be fixed either.  The web transcends the past tyranny of physical limitations.  Content can be consumed anytime. Online content has none of the limits on space, or duration, that physical media imposed.  

Schedules can be thought of as contracts. The issue is not only whether or not the availability of content follows a schedule, but who decides that schedule.  

Online content doesn’t need to be available according to a set schedule, unlike broadcasters who indicate that  you can listen to certain content at 9 am each day. 

A schedule may seem like tyranny, forcing authors to conform to artificial limitations about duration, and restricting audiences to content of a limited duration.  But schedules have hidden benefits.  

Setting expectations for audiences

When content follows a schedule, and imposes a duration, the audience knows what to expect.  They tacitly accept the duration they are willing to commit to the content.  They know ahead of time what that commitment will be, and decided it is worth doing.

The more important question is how consumers of content can benefit from timeboxing, not how producers of content can benefit.  Timeboxing content can measure the value of content in terms of the scarcest commodity audiences have: their time.

How should one measure the time it takes to consume content?  A simple standard would be listening duration: the amount of time it would take for the content to be read aloud to you in a normal speaking pace.  

We read faster than we talk.  We are used to hearing words more slowly than we would read them.  If we are a “typical” person, we read 250 words/minute.  We speak and listen at 150 words/minute.

Listening can’t be sped-up, unlike reading. And having to have something repeated is annoying for a listener.  For content presented on a screen, there is generally no physical limits to how much content can be displayed.  Content creators rely on the audience’s ability to scan the content, and to backtrack, to locate and process information of interest to them.  Content read aloud doesn’t offer that freedom.  Listening duration provides a more honest measurement of how long content takes to consume.

The duration of content is important for three reasons.  It influences:

  1. The commitment audiences will make to trying out the content
  2. The attention they may be able to offer the content
  3. The interest they find the content offers

Audience commitments 

Most of us have seen websites that provide a “time to read” indicator.  Videos and podcasts also indicate how many minutes the content lasts.  These signals help audiences choose content that matches their needs — do they have enough time now, or do they wait until later?  This is content the right level of detail, or it is too detailed?  

Screenshot from Christian Science Monitor
A news article from the Christian Science Monitor gives readers a choice of a long and short version.

Content varies widely in length and the amount of time required to consume it.  One-size does not fit all content.  Imagine if publishers made more of an effort to standardize the length of their content, so that specific content types were associated with a specific length of time to read or listen.

Timeboxing recognizes that tasks should fit time allotments.  Timeboxing can encourage content designers to consider the amount of time they expect audiences will give to the content.

Audiences have limited time to consume content.  That means they can’t commit to looking or listening to content unless it fits their situation.

And when they consume content, they have limited attention to offer any specific message.  

Audience attention

Currently, some publishers provide authors with guidelines about how many words or characters to use for different content elements.  Most often, these guidelines are driven by the internal needs of the publisher, rather than being led by audience needs.  For example, error messages may be restricted to a certain size, because they need to fit within the boundaries of a certain screen.  The field for a title can only be of a certain length, as that’s what is specified in the database.  These limits do control some verbosity.  But they aren’t specifically designed around how long it would take audiences to read the message.  And limiting characters or words by itself doesn’t mean the content will receive attention from audiences.

Time-to-read is difficult to calculate.  Instead of counting words or characters, publishers try to guess the time those words and characters consume.  That is not a simple calculation, since it will partly depend on the familiarity of the content, and how easily it can be processed by audiences.  Tight prose may be harder comprehend, even if it is shorter.

Since much text is accompanied by visuals, the number of words on a screen may not be a reliable indication of how long it takes to consume the content.  Apple notes: 

“Remember that people may perform your app’s actions from their HomePod, using ‘Hey Siri’ with their AirPods, or through CarPlay without looking at a screen. In these cases, the voice response should convey the same key information that the visual elements display to ensure that people can get what they need no matter how they interact with Siri.” 

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

The value of structuring content by length of time, rather than number of characters or words, is easiest to appreciate when it comes to voice interaction.  Voice user interfaces rely on a series of questions and answers, each of which needs to be short enough to maintain the attention of both the user and the bot processing the questions. Both people and bots have limited buffers to hold inbound information.  The voice bot may always be listening for a hot word that wakes it up — so that it really starts to pay attention to what’s being said.  Conversely, the user may be listening to their home speaker’s content in a distracted, half-hearted way, until they hear a specific word or voice that triggers their attention.

Matching the audience’s capacity to absorb information

Attention is closely related to retention. Long, unfamiliar content is hard to remember.  Many people know about a famous study done in the 1950s by a Professor Miller about the “magical number seven” relating to memory spans.  The study was path breaking because it focused on how well people can remember “contents”, and proposed creating chunks of content to help people remember.  It is likely the beginning of all discussion of about chunks of content.  Discussing this study, Wikipedia notes: a memory “span is lower for long words than it is for short words. In general, memory span for verbal contents (digits, letters, words, etc.) strongly depends on the time it takes to speak the contents aloud.”  The famous Miller experiment introduced time (duration) as a factor in retention.  It is easier to recall shorter duration content than longer duration.  

We can extend this insight when considering how different units of content can influence audiences in other ways, beyond what they remember.  Duration influences what audiences understand, what they find useful, and what they find interesting.  

Exceeding the expected time is impolite. When audience believe content takes “too long” to get through, they are annoyed, and will often stop paying attention. They may even abandon the content altogether.

The amount of attention people are willing to give to content will vary with the content type.  For example, few people want to read long entries in a dictionary, much less listen to a definition read aloud.

Some content creators use timeboxing as their core approach, as is evident in the titles of many articles, books and apps.  For example, we see books promising that we can “Master the Science of Machine Learning in Just 15 Minutes a Day.”  Even when such promises may seem unrealistic, they feel appealing.  As readers, we want to tell publishers how much time we are able and willing to offer

The publisher should work around our time needs, and deliver the optimal package of material that can be understood in a given amount of time.   It doesn’t help us to know the book on machine learning is less than 100 pages, if we can’t be sure how difficult the material is to grasp.  The number of pages, words, and characters, is an imperfect guide to how much time is involved.

Audience interest

Another facet of structuring content by time is that it signals the level of complexity, which is an important factor in how interesting audiences will find the content.  If a book promises to explain machine learning in 15 minutes a day, that may sound more interesting to a reader without an engineering background than a book entitled “The Definitive Guide to Machine Learning” which sounds both complicated and long.

What is the ideal length of a content type, from an audience perspective?  How long would people want to listen to (or read attentively) different content types, if they had a choice?  For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume the audience is only moderately motivated. They would like to stop as soon as their need for information is satisfied.

Time-delimited content types can offer two benefits to audiences:

  1. Pithiness
  2. Predictable regularity

Content types define what information to include, but they don’t necessarily indicate how much information to include.  The level of detail is left to individual authors, who may have different standards of completeness.  

When content becomes bloated, people stop paying attention.  There’s more information than they wanted.    

Making content more even

Another problem is when content is “lumpy”: some content relating to a certain purpose is long-winded, while other content is short.  A glossary has short definitions  for some  words but other definitions are several paragraphs.    We find this phenomenon in different places.  On the same website, people move between short web pages that say very little and long pages that scroll forever. 

Paradoxically, the process of structuring content into discrete independent units can have the effect of creating units of uneven duration.  The topic gets logically carved up.  But the content wasn’t planned for consistency in length.  Each element of content is independent, and acts differently, requiring more or less time to read or hear.  

 Audiences may give up if they encounter a long explanation when they were expecting a short one.  It only takes one or two explanations that are abnormally long for audiences to lose confidence in what to expect.  A predictable experience is broken.

Timeboxing content messages encourages content designers to squeeze in as much impact in the shortest possible time.

Message units, according to duration

If people have limited free time, have limited attention to offer, and have lukewarm interest, the content needs to be short — often shorter than one might like to create.

We can thus think about content duration in terms of “stretch goals” for different types of content.  Many people will be happy if the content offered can be successful communicating a message while sticking to these durations.  

While no absolute guidelines can be given for how long different content should be, it is nonetheless useful to make some educated guesses, and see how reliable they are.  We can divide durations into chunks that increase by multiples of three, to give different duration levels.  We can then consider what kinds of information can reasonably be conveyed within such a duration.  

  • 3-5 seconds: Concisely answer “What is?” or “Who is?” with a brief definition or analogy (“Jaws in outer space”)  
  • 10-15 seconds: Provide a short answer or tip, make a suggestion, provide a short list of options.
  • 30 seconds:  Suggest a new idea, explain a concept, offer an “elevator pitch”
  • 1-3 minutes: To discuss several things, explain the context or progression of something — an episode or explainer 

For writers accustomed to thinking about the number of words, thinking how long it would take to listen to a message involves a shift.  Yet messages must match an expected pattern.  Their duration is a function of how much new material is being introduced.  

Creating messaged based on their duration helps to counterbalance a desire for completeness.  Messages don’t have to be complete.  They do have to be heard, and understood.  There’s always the opportunity for follow up.  And while less common, if a message is too short, it is also disappointing.  

Testing the duration

For short chunks of content addressing routine purposes, content designers should craft their messages to be appealing to the distracted content consumer. They can ask:

  • How easy is the message to follow when read aloud?
  • Does the message stand on its own, without exhausting the audience?
  • Can people ask a question, and get back an answer that matches how much time they are willing and able to offer?

I expect that the growing body of research relating to voice user interaction (VUI) will add to our understanding of the role of duration in content structure.  Feel free to reach out to me on social or community channels if you’d like to share experience or research relating to this theme.   It’s an evolving area that deserves more discussion.

— Michael Andrews