Content Engineering

Content models: lessons from LEGO

Content models can be either a friend or foe.  A content model can empower content to become a modular and flexible resource when developed appropriately. Models can liberate how you develop content and accelerate your momentum.

However, if the model isn’t developed correctly, it can become a barrier to gaining control over your content.  The model ends up being hard to understand, the cause of delay, and eventually an albatross preventing you from pivoting later.  

Models are supposed to be the solution, not the problem

Content modeling can be challenging. Those involved with content modeling have likely heard stories about teams wrestling with their content model because it was too complex and difficult to implement. 

Some common concerns about content modeling include:

  • There’s not enough time to develop a proper content model.
  • We don’t know all our requirements yet.
  • People don’t understand why we need a content model or how to develop one.
  • Most of the content model doesn’t seem relevant to an individual writer.
  • Someone else should figure this out.

These concerns reflect an expectation that a content model is “one big thing” that needs to be sorted out all at once in the correct way, what might be called the monolithic school of content modeling. 

Rather than treat content models as monolithic plans, it is more helpful to think of them as behaving like LEGO. They should support the configuration of content in multiple ways.

Yet, many content models are designed to be monolithic. They impose a rigid structure on authors and prevent organizations from addressing a range of needs.  They become the source of stress because how they are designed is brittle.

In an earlier post, I briefly explored how LEGO’s design supports modularity through what’s called “clutch power.” LEGO can teach us insights about bringing modularity to content models. Contrary to what some believe, content models don’t automatically make content modular, especially when they are missing clutch power. But it’s true that content models can enable modularity. The value of a content model depends on its implementation. 

A complex model won’t simplify content delivery.  Some folks mistakenly think that the content model can encapsulate complexity that can then be hidden from authors, freeing them from the burdens of details and effort. That’s true only to a point.  When the model gets too complex for authors to understand and when it can’t easily be changed to address new needs, its ability to manage details deteriorates. The model imposes its will on authors rather than responding to the desire of authors.

The trick is to make model-making a modular process instead of a top-down, “here’s the spec, take it or leave it” approach. 

Don’t pre-configure your content

LEGO pioneered the toy category of multipurpose bricks. But over time, they have promoted the sale of numerous single-purpose kits, such as one for a typewriter that will “bring a touch of nostalgia to your home office.”  For $249.99, buyers get the gratification of knowing exactly what they will assemble before opening the package.  But they never experience the freedom of creating their own construction.

LEGO typewriter, 2079 pieces (screenshot)

The single-purpose kits contain numerous single-purpose bricks. The kit allows you to build one thing only. Certain pieces, such as the typewriter keys and a black and red ink spool ribbon, aren’t useful for other applications. When the meme gets stale, the bricks are no longer useful.

One of the most persistent mistakes in design is building for today’s problems with no forethought as to how your solution will accommodate tomorrow’s needs. 

Many content models are designed to be single-purpose.  They reflect a design frozen in time when the model was conceived – often by an outside party such as a vendor or committee. Authors can’t change what they are permitted to create, so the model will often be vague and unhelpful to not overly constrain the author. They miss out on the power of true modularity. 

When you keep your model fluid, you can test and learn.

Make sure you can take apart your model (and change it)

Bent Flyvbjer and Dan Gardner recently published a book on the success or failure of large projects called How Big Things Get Done.  They contrast viewing projects as “one big thing” versus “many small things.”

Flyvbjer and Gardner cite LEGO as a model for how to approach large projects. They say: “Get a small thing, a basic building block. Combine it with another and another until you have what you need.”

The textbook example they cite of designing “one big thing” all at once is a nuclear power plant.  

Flyvbjer and Gardner comment: “You can’t build a nuclear power plant quickly, run it for a while, see what works and what doesn’t, then change the design to incorporate the lessons learned. It’s too expensive and dangerous.”

Building a content model can seem like designing a nuclear power plant: a big project with lots of details that can go wrong. Like designing a nuclear power plant, building a content model is not something most of us do very often.  Most large content models are developed in response to a major IT re-platforming.  Since re-platformings are infrequent, most folks don’t have experience building content models, and when a re-platform is scheduled, they are unprepared. 

Flyvbjer and Gardner note that “Lacking experimentation and experience, what you learn as you proceed is that the project is more difficult and costly than you expected.” They note an unwanted nuclear power plant costs billions to decommission.  Similarly, a content model developed all at once in a short period will have many weaknesses and limitations. Some content types will be too simple, others will be too complex.  Some will be unnecessary ultimately, while others will be overlooked.  In the rush to deliver a project, it can be difficult to even reflect on how various decisions impact the overall project.

You will make mistakes with your initial content model and will learn what best supports authoring or frontend interaction needs, enables agile management of core business messages and data, or connects to other IT systems.  And these requirements will change too. 

Make sure you can change your mind.  Don’t let your IT team or vendor tell you the model is set in stone.  While gratuitous changes should be avoided – they generate superfluous work for everyone – legitimate revisions to a content model should be expected.  Technical teams need to develop processes that can address the need to add or remove elements in content types, create new types, and split or merge types. 

Allow authors to construct a range of outputs from basic pieces

In LEGO, the color of bricks gives them expressive potential. Even bricks of the same size and shape can be combined to render an experience.  I recently visited an exhibit of LEGO creations at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.  

Mona Lisa in LEGO by Warren Elsmore at National Building Museum

Much online content is developed iteratively.  Writers pull together some existing text, modify or update it, add some images, and publish it.  Publishing is often a mixture of combining something old with something new.  A good content model will facilitate that process of composition. It will allow authors to retrieve parts they need, develop parts they don’t yet have, and combine them into a content item that people read, watch, or listen to.

Content modeling is fundamentally about developing an editorial schema.  Elements in content types represent the points authors want to make to audiences. The content types represent larger themes. 

A content model developed without the input of authors isn’t going to be successful. Ideally, authors will directly participate in the content modeling process. Defining a content type does not require any software expertise, and at least one CMS has a UI that allows non-technical users to create content types. However, it remains true that modeling is not easy to understand quickly for those new to the activity. I’m encouraged by a few vendor initiatives that incorporate AI and visualization to generate a model that could be edited. But vendors need to do more work to empower end-users so they can take more control over the content model they must rely on to create content. 

Keep logic out of your model 

LEGO is most brilliant when users supply the creativity rather than rely on instructions from the LEGO corporation.  

The DIY ethos of LEGO is celebrated on the Rebrickable website, where LEGO enthusiasts swap concepts for LEGO creations.

Rebrickable website (screenshot)

Rebrickable illustrates the principle of decoupling content from its assembly. LEGO bricks have an independent existence from assembly instructions. Those who develop plans for assembling LEGO are not the same people who created the bricks.  Bricks can be reused to be assembled in many ways – including ways not foreseen. Rebrickable celebrates the flexibility of LEGO bricks.

A content model should not contain logic. Logic acts like glue that binds pieces together instead of allowing them to be configured in different ways. Decouple your content from any logic used to deliver that content. Logic in content models gets in the way: it complicates the model, making it difficult for authors (and even developers) to understand, and it makes the model less flexible.  

Many Web CMS and XML content models mix together the structure of types with templating or assembly logic. When the model includes assembly instructions, it has already predetermined how modules are supposed to fit together, therefore precluding other ways they might connect. Content models for headless CMS implementations, in contrast, define content structure in terms of fields that can be accessed by APIs that can assemble content in any manner.  

A brittle content model that can’t be modified is also expensive.  Many publishers are saddled with legacy content models that are difficult to change or migrate. They hate what they have but are afraid to decommission it because they are unsure how it was put together. They are unable to migrate off of a solution someone built for them long ago that doesn’t meet their needs.  This phenomenon is referred to as “lock-in.”

A flexible content model will focus only on the content, not how to assemble the content. It won’t embed “views” or navigation or other details that dictate how the content must be delivered. When the model is focused solely on the content, the content is truly modular and portable.  

Focus on basics and learn

LEGO encourages play.  People don’t worry about assembling LEGO bricks the wrong way because there are many valid ways to connect them. There’s always the possibility of changing your mind.

Each LEGO brick is simple.  But by trying combinations over time, the range of possibilities grows.  As Flyvbjer and Gardner say in their book, “Repetition is the genius of modularity; it enables experimentation.”

Start your model with something basic. An author biography content type would be a good candidate. You can use it anytime you need to provide a short profile of an author. It seems simple enough, too.  A name, a photo, and a paragraph description might be all you need.  Congratulations, you have created a reusable content type and are on the path toward content modularity.

Over time, you realize there are other nuances to consider. Your website also features presenters at live events.  Is a presenter biography different from an author biography?  Someone in IT suggests that the author bio can be prepopulated with information from the employee directory, which includes the employee’s job title. The HR department wants to run profiles of employees on their hiring blog and wonders if the employee profile would be like the author bio.  

As new requirements and requests emerge, you start to consider the variations and overlaps among them. You might try to consolidate variations into a single content type, extend a core content type to handle specialized needs or decide that consolidating everything into a single content type wouldn’t simplify things at all. Only through experimentation and learning will the correct choice become apparent.

It’s a good idea to document your decisions and share what you’ve learned, including with outside teams who might be curious about what you are working on – encourage them to steal your ideas.  You can revisit your rationale when you are faced with new requirements to evaluate.

Evolve your model

Embrace the LEGO mindset of starting small and thinking big.

The more experience your team gains with content modeling, the more comprehensive and capable your content model will become.

Flyvbjer and Gardner note: “Repetition also generates experience, making your performance better. This is called ‘positive learning.’”  They contrast it with negative learning, where “the more you learn, the more difficult and costly it gets.” When the model starts off complex, it gets too big to understand and manage. Teams may realize only one person ever understood how the model was put together, and that person moved to another company. 

Content modeling is about harnessing repeating patterns in content. The job of content modeling is to discern these patterns.

Content modeling should be a continuous activity. A content model isn’t a punch-list task that, once launched, is done. The model isn’t frozen. 

The parts that work right will be second nature, while the parts that are still rough will suggest refinement.

While content modeling expertise is still far from mainstream, there are growing opportunities to gain it. Teams don’t have to wait for a big re-platforming project.  Instead, they should start modeling with smaller projects. 

New low-cost and/or low-code tools are making it easier to adopt modular approaches to content. Options include static site generators (SSGs) like Jekyll or Hugo, open-source headless CMSs like Strapi, and no-code web-builders like Webflow. Don’t worry if these tools don’t match your eventual needs.  If you build a model that supports true modularity, it will be easy to migrate your content to a more sophisticated tool later. 

With smaller projects, it will be more evident that the content model can change as you learn new things and want to improve it. Like other dimensions of software in the SaaS era, content models can continuously be released with improvements.  Teams can enhance existing content types and add new ones gradually. 

The evolution of content models will also include fixing issues and improving performance, similar to the refactoring process in software.  You may find that some elements aren’t much used and can be removed. You can simplify or enrich your model.  Sometimes you’ll find similar types that can be folded into a single type – simplification through abstraction.  Other times, you’ll want to extend types to accommodate details that weren’t initially identified as being important. 

Continual iteration may seem messy and inefficient, and in some ways, it is. Those who approach a content model as one big thing wish the model to be born fully mature, timeless, and resistant to aging. In practice, content models require nurture and maintenance. Changing details in a large content model will seem less scary once you’ve had experience making changes on a smaller model.  And by working on them continuously, organizations learn how to make them better serve their needs. 

Regard changes to content models as a learning experience, not a fearful one.

Allow your model to scale up

Flyvbjer and Gardner note: “A block of Lego is a small thing, but by assembling more than nine thousand of them, you can build one of the biggest sets Lego makes, a scale model of the Colosseum in Rome. That’s modularity.”

My visit to the National Building Museum revealed how big a scale small LEGO bricks can build, as shown in this model of London’s St Pancras rail station. 

St Pancras rail station in LEGO by Warren Elsmore at National Building Museum

The magic of LEGO is that all bricks can connect to one another. The same isn’t necessarily true of content models. Many models reflect the idiosyncrasies of specific CMS platforms.  Each model becomes an isolated island that can’t be connected to easily.  That’s why content silos are a pervasive problem.

However, a modular content model focused on content and not assembly logic can easily connect to other modular models. 

A content model can enable content to scale.  But how does one scale the content model?

The good news is that the same process for developing a small model applies to developing a larger one.  When you embrace an iterative, learning-driven approach to modeling, scaling your model is much easier.  You understand how models work: which decisions deliver benefits and which ones can cause problems. You understand tradeoffs and can estimate the effort involved with alternatives.

One key to scaling a model is to play well with other models. In large organizations, different teams may be developing content models to support their respective web properties.  If these models are modular, they can connect.  Teams can share content.

It’s likely when there are two models, there will be overlaps in content types. Each model will have a content type defining a blog post, for example. Such situations offer an opportunity to rationalize the content type and standardize it across the teams. Eventually, separate teams may use a common content model supporting a single CMS. But until then, they can at least be using the same content type specifications.  They can learn from each other.

– Michael Andrews

Content Engineering

Making it easier to build structured content

A quick note about an amazing UI from Writefull called Sentence Palette that shows how to combine structured content with prompts to write in a structured way. It nicely fleshes out the granular structure of a complex document down to the sentence level. I see broad application for this kind of approach for many kinds of content.

The deep analysis of large content corpora reveals common patterns not just in the conceptual organization of topics but also in the narrative patterns used to discuss them.

Writefull has assessed the academic writing domain and uncovered common text patterns used, for example, in article abstracts. LLMs can draw upon these text fragments to help authors develop new content. This opens up new possibilities for the development of structured content.

— Michael Andrews

Content Engineering

Why content and design fall short of the LEGO ideal

For many years, the people designing, managing, and delivering user experiences have pursued the LEGO ideal – making experiences modular. 

Content teams have aimed to make content modular so that it can be assembled in multiple ways. UI design teams have worked to make user interfaces modular so they can be assembled in different ways as well.  

More recently, vendors have embraced the LEGO ideal. The IT research firm Gartner labeled this modular approach as “composable” and now scores of SaaS firms endorse composability as the most desirable approach for building user experiences.

The LEGO ideal has become a defining North Star for many digital teams. 

The appeal of LEGO is easy to fathom. LEGO is familiar to almost everyone. 

Though LEGO was not the first construction kit toy that allowed parts to be connected in multiple ways, it has by far been the most successful.  LEGO is now the world’s largest toymaker.

But LEGO’s appeal stems from more than its popularity or the nostalgia of adults for pleasant childhood memories. LEGO teaches lessons about managing systems – though those lessons are often not well understood.

What LEGO figured out: Clutch Power 

What’s been the secret to LEGO’s success? Why has LEGO, more than any other construction toy, achieved sustained global success for decades?

Many people attribute LEGO’s success to the properties of the bricks themselves. The magic comes from how the bricks fit together,  

The Washington Post noted in 1983 the importance of  “the grip that holds one piece to another. Measurements have to be exact down to minute fractions of an inch, which requires high-precision machinery and closely monitored quality control.”

The ability of the bricks to fit together so well has a name: clutch power. 

The fan blog Brick Architect defines clutch power as “Newtons of force to attach or remove the part.”

The Washington Post noted that the bricks’ clutch power translated into “market clutch power”: how solidly the bricks built a grip with consumers.  

Clutch power makes bricks more powerful:

  1. Bricks can connect easily  –  they snap together
  2. Bricks can be disassembled easily by pulling them apart 
  3. Bricks are not damaged or deformed through their repeated use
  4. Bricks are infinitely reusable.

Clutch power is an apt metaphor for how brinks connect. Like the clutch in a car that shifts between gears, clutch power allows bricks of different sizes and roles to work together to deliver a bigger experience. 

What makes content and design LEGO-like?

Truth be told, most content and design modules don’t snap together like LEGOs. Content and design modules rarely exhibit clutch power.  

Even if the original intent was to create a LEGO-like kit of parts, the actual implementation doesn’t deliver a LEGO-like experience.  It’s important to move past the pleasing metaphor of LEGOs and explore what makes LEGOs distinctive.  

LEGO bricks aren’t for very small children – they are a choking hazard. Similarly, some teams figuratively “choke” when trying to manage many small content and design elements.  They are overwhelmed because they aren’t mature enough to manage the details.

Attempts to create modularity in content and design often fall short of the LEGO ideal. They resemble LEGO’s junior sibling, DUPLO, offering simple connections of a limited range of shapes.  In addition to generic bricks, DUPLO includes less general pieces such as specialized shapes and figures. It reduces the choking hazard but limits what can be built.

We find examples of DUPLO-like modularity in many UX processes. A small interaction pattern is reused, but it only addresses a very specific user journey such as a form flow. Small UI “molecules” are defined in design systems, but not more complex organisms. Help content gets structured, but not marketing or app content.

The limitation of DUPLO approach is the modularity isn’t flexible.  Teams can’t create multiple experiences from the pieces. 

When teams can’t create complex experiences out of small pieces, they resort to gluing the pieces together.  Pieces of content and design get glued together – their connections are forced, preventing them from being reused easily. The outputs become one-off, single-use designs that can’t be used for multiple purposes.

Some people glue together LEGO bricks, even though doing so is not considered an approved best practice. They create an edifice that is too fragile and too precious to change. Their design is too brittle to take advantage of the intrinsic clutch power of the bricks. They create a single-use design. They use modularity to build a monolith.

Digital teams routinely build monolithic structures from smaller pieces.  They create content templates or frontend design frameworks that look and behave a certain way but are difficult to change.  They build an IKEA product that can’t be disassembled when you need to move.

So what gives content and design clutch power? What allows pieces to connect and be reconfigured?

The digital equivalent of clutch power is systems interface design – how the interfaces between various systems know of and can interact with each other. It determines whether the modules are created in a way that they are “API-first” so that other systems can use the pieces without having to interpret what’s available.  

More concretely, giving content and design modules clutch power involves defining them with models. Models show how pieces can fit together.,

Models define things (resources) and their relationships, highlighting that things have a rich set of potential connections. They can snap together in many ways, not just in one way.

Defining things and their relationships is not easy, which is why the LEGO ideal remains elusive for many digital teams.  It requires a combination of analytic and linguistic proficiency. Relationships are of two kinds:

  • Conceptual relationships that express the properties that things share with each other, which requires the ability to name and classify these properties clearly, at the right granularity (abstraction), to enable connection and comparison with appropriate precision.
  • Logical relationships that express the constraints and requirements of things and their values, which calls for the ability define what is normal, expected, exceptional, and prohibited from the perspective of multiple actors engaged in an open range of scenarios.

Modeling skills transcend the priorities of UI and content “design”, which focus on creating a product intended to support a single purpose. Modeling skills are more akin to engineering, without being cryptic. Modular pieces must be easy to connect, cognitively and procedurally. 

We sometimes find organizations hire content engineers, content architects, information architects, or UI engineers, but most often designers and developers are in charge of implementation.  We need more folks focused on creating clutch power.

What LEGO is still learning – and their lessons for digital teams

LEGO created a system that could grow. It expanded by offering new brick shapes that allow a wider range of items to be built.

LEGO has proved remarkably enduring. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to adapt. To maintain market clutch power, LEGO needs to adapt to a changing market.  Its past formulas for success can no longer be relied upon. 

LEGO’s bricks are made from ABS plastic.  ABS plastic gives the bricks their clutch power. But they are also environmentally bad as they are petroleum-based and have a big carbon footprint.  As the world’s biggest toymaker, producing billions of plastic bricks, LEGO needs to change its model.

LEGO has tried to change the formula for their bricks.  They’ve sought to replace ABS with recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) but found it too soft to provide the needed clutch power. Additives to RPET, which would make it safer and more durable, require too much energy consumption. After intensive research, LEGO is discovering there’s no simple substitute for ABS.

LEGO’s dilemma highlights the importance of creating a system that can adapt to changing priorities. It’s not that clutch power became less important.  But it had to fit in with new priorities of reducing carbon emissions.  

One option LEGO is looking at is how to enable the “recircling” of bricks. How can bricks in one household, when no longer needed, be re-entered into the economy? LEGO is looking at a “circular business model” for bricks.

A circular model is one that digital teams should look at as well. The aim should not just be how a team can reuse their content and design modules, but also how other parts of their organization can reuse them, and perhaps, how outside parties can use them too.  An API-first approach makes recirculation much easier. Better collaboration from vendors would also help.  

– Michael Andrews